众所周知,外国人见面就喜欢聊天气,就像中国人见面就问吃饭没有一样。天气是常见的“small talk”话题。这个看起来有点儿无聊的话题其实是消除陌生感,打开话匣子的好办法,从天气入手,聊着聊着就变得熟络起来啦!
常用表达天气的句型:It is + adjective + (day) / It's sunny today / It's a windy afternoon.
It is + verb-ing: It's drizzling outside. / It's snowing. / Take an umbrella, it's raining.-听上去像命令一样,不太舒服,建议改成下面这句:(It's raining outside. Please take an umbrella with you when you go out.)
如果感冒了,有点不舒服,可以说:under the weather: I will take a sick leave today as I feel a little under the weather. / catch a cold: Put on your jacket, or you'll catch a cold.
描述气温:It's 20℃:It's 20 degrees. It's -10℃:It's minus 10 degrees. The temperature is dropping. 气温在下降。
怎么问对方天气情况呢? · What's it like out(side)? / · How's the weather (where you are)? / · What's the weather like? / · What's the temperature? / · What's the weather forecast?
Appendix - About the rain
Appendix - About the cold weather