Answering the phone
Hello, this is Lily. How may I help you? Good morning, Lily speaking. What can I do for you?
Hello, this is Lily with Fluent Business English. How can I help you?
Hello, this is Lily in the IT department. How may I help?
Hello, this is Lily.
May I know who’s calling? Who's calling, please?
Making the phone
Hello, it’s Lily from Fluent Business English. I'm calling to ask about the marketing plan.
I'm calling to discuss / clarify the coming showcase.
I just wanted to ask if you have more capacity in your team. I'm calling concerning...
Hello, this is Lily from Fluent Business English. Is Amy available?
May I speak to Amy? I'd like to speak to Amy, please.
Is Amy there? Could you connect me to the marketing department?
Asking for clarifying
Sorry, may I beg your pardon? I'm sorry, I didn't catch your first name.
Could you spell that for me, please? How do you spell that, please?
Alfa - A Bravo - B Charlie - C Delta - D ...
Would you mind speaking up a bit, I can't hear you very well.
The sound is low. Would you mind speaking a little more loudly?
let me see if I've got that right. let me see if I missed anything.
然后,如果各种确认之后,还是不放心是否听清楚了。稳妥的方式是,电话后发一个邮件确认。工作中,会后发一个meeting minutes给参会者,是非常专业的做法,顺便也确认会议内容。
I'll send you the meeting minutes right after this call to see if I missed anything.
Putting someone on hold
May I put you on hold for a moment? Would you mind holding for a moment (while I get that information for you)? Could I put you on hold while I see if she's available?
I'm going to put you on hold for a second. One moment, please.
Taking/Leaving a message
帮对方留言:Taking a message
I'm afraid he's not available at the moment, can I take a message? 需要留言吗?
Would you like to leave a message? Should I get him to call you back later?
I'll give him your message as soon as he gets back.
请求对方留言:Leave a message
Can I leave him a message? I'd like to leave him a message.
Please tell him that we will postpone the meeting on Friday to next Monday.
Please make sure he gets it as soon as possible, it's really important.
It's not urgent. So just let him know when he's free.
Transferring the phone
I will just transfer you to David, who will be able to help.
David works in a different team. Please hold while I check if he is available.
Wrong number
Sorry, there’s nobody here by this name. I’m sorry, I’m afraid Amy doesn’t work here.
Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.
End the phone
Is there anything else I can do for you? Thanks for calling.
Thanks for your time / help. Have a nice day! You too. Goodbye.
Some tips
To have notes. 不仅是指打电话的时候,迅速记下重要信息,我们也可以把打电话相关的表达写成便签贴在电话旁边,方便打电话的时候随时用。这样,可以让我们更自信。
Smile 尽管互相看不见,但是保持微笑的话,对方一定感觉得到。
Don't be afraid to ask for repetition or clarification. 熟练运用前面提到的表达,不要害怕问问题。
Don't be afraid of making mistake. 不要怕犯错。大多数人在电话上都很有耐心。专注于清晰地传达信息,英语电话沟通就容易得多。