


发布时间:2020-04-23 文章来源:英耐商务英语 浏览次数:3489次


Various Ways of Expression in Price Haggling


1. When encouraging the buyer to accept our offer we may hear such expressions as:

· With an eye to future business, we agree to grant you 1% discount, as a special accommodation.

· In order to promote our business connections, we may grant you a special discount of 1%, as a special inducement.

2. When both parties have agreed on the price we may hear such expressions as:

· I think we can conclude the business./come to terms./place an order.

3. When the seller is trying to defend his offer we may hear such expressions as:

· This is our lowest price.

· There is no room for reducing the price.

· We are sure the goods will sell like hot cakes.

4. When the buyer is trying to beat down the price we may hear such expressions as:

· Your price is too high for us to accept.

· For an attractive order, I’m sure you’ll give us a competitive price.

· If you insist on your price, we can hardly come to terms.

5. When a suggestion for compromise is made we may hear such expressions as:

· May I put it this way that we meet each other half way to fill the gap?

· May I suggest that we go half way?

6. When trying to ease an awkward disagreement we may hear any party say such expressions as:

· In view of the friendly relations between us,we are willing to hold negotiations with you again.

· After considering the long standing relations between us,we are willing to hold negotiations with you again.

Dialogue One: Talking about Price


Scene: Mr. Wang, the seller and Mr. John have had a nice cooperation for many years. Not long ago, they arrived at another agreement, with most of the details remaining unchanged, excepting the price, which keeps changing in the international market.

In order to come to cooperative terms, the buyer has invited the seller to Hong Kong for a more intimate talk. Now let’s have a careful look at what happens in the negotiation.

Mr Wang: Mr. John, So nice to see you here in Hong Kong.

王先生:约翰先生, 能在香港与您面谈我确实感到非常高兴。

Mr John:I’ve been looking forward to an opportunity to continue cooperating with you.


Mr Wang: I am very sorry, I haven’t been able to make an offer in time.


Mr John: That’s all right. I know what it has been with you. Any improvement?


Mr Wang: Do you mean our commodity supply?


Mr John: Yes.


Mr Wang: Luckily, Much better than before. Whatever is the case, we’ll surely first meet you need.


Mr John: As for the quantity, we can talk it over some other time. Shall we decide on the price first?


Mr Wang: We’ve made it clear in our offer.


Mr John: Your price was too much on the high side for anyone to accept. That’s why we’ve invited you to Hong Kong for a face-to-face discussion.


Mr Wang: I take it for granted that you know what it is with the market and the existing price. With dramatic rise in production cost and transportation expense, we’ve had to adjust our price.


Mr John: I am afraid I just can’t agree with you. You know The Canadians price is lower than yours.


Mr Wang: But don’t you think price can’t be taken separately from quality?


Mr John: It goes without saying that your quality is excellent, but it doesn’t justify such a high price.

约翰先生:你们的质量是无可非议的, 但价格实在有问题。

Mr Wang: Okay. If you can’t accept the price, may I have your suggestion?


Mr John: Frankly, your price is 15% higher than that in American market. If you can see your way to get it down to that level, we may consider a possibility to accept.

约翰先生:坦白地讲, 你方价格比美国市场价格高出15%,如果你们能降到这个水平,我们可以考虑。

Mr Wang: Are you kidding, my friend? It was already a historical figure. Things have long since been changed.


Mr John: If you don’t believe, you may have a look at this quotation sheet.

约翰先生:如果不信, 我这里有一分报价单。

Mr Wang: Oh, my god! If it were really so, it seemed there is nothing more I can do but grant you a special discount of 10%. How do you like it?


Mr John: In view of our friendly partnership, I’ll accept it.


Mr Wang: I’m so glad that we have finally settled the price.


Mr John: Let’s leave other details for this afternoon, shall we?


Mr Wang: Fine.


“成单前的临门一脚”— 价格谈判,对成单起着关键作用。“无针对性报价”、“无实质性让步”、“无效挽留”……常用的价格谈判套路越来越不流行,以上小耐姐特意整理的价格谈判的“话术秘笈”记得收藏并运用起来哦,内力和外功一同修炼才能成就专业领域的大侠!








